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Bundle of Fall Holiday Lesson Plans & Activities

These fun and engaging Halloween activities and Thanksgiving activities for middle and high school will have your students practicing poetry writing, finding the main idea and supporting details, identifying theme, writing short stories, figurative language and more!

There are 7 activities included in this bundle:

1. Acrostic Poem Activity for any Holiday
2. Halloween Party Menu using Imagery
3. Halloween Fairy Tale to Scary Tale
4. Halloween Black Out Poem using Fairy Tales
5. Thanksgiving One Pager

6. Thanksgiving Party Menu Using Imagery
7. Thanksgiving Thankful Paper Tent/Digital Card
Print and digital versions available!

- Google™ Slides


Get your students in the holiday spirit with this holiday acrostic poem activity! This template can be adapted to any holiday and includes an information sheet, worksheet and rubric!



- An acrostic poem information sheet.
- Planning worksheet to help students create their poem.
- Three templates students can use to write their poem


A fun and engaging figurative language practice activity where students learn about imagery and the five senses by creating a Halloween themed party menu! There are figurative language worksheets included for students to:

- Learn how to define imagery and identify the five senses.
- Practice identifying examples of imagery by analyzing the menu of their favorite restaurant!
- Put a Halloween spin on the food descriptions they find in the menu of their favorite restaurant (For example, vanilla ice cream becomes vanilla mice cream!)
- Create their own halloween party food menu describing their favorite foods... with a scary twist!



1. Four pages of Teacher Directions

2. Warm-Up

3. Info Sheet detailing the types of imagery and the five senses.

4. List of 51 attention grabbing words to describe food

5. Worksheet for students to practice identifying examples of imagery and the sense(s) being appealed to.


- Students will analyze the menu of their favorite restaurant, identifying attention grabbing words to describe the food (imagery) and the sense(s) being appealed to.


- They will then have to practice putting a Halloween twist to the original menu description.

5. Worksheet for students to create their own Halloween party menu using imagery to describe their favorite foods... with a scary twist!
Rubric included

6. Two Menu Templates


This creative writing high school resource tasks students with putting a Halloween spin on a fairy tale by making it into a scary story!

Students will:

- Learn about common characteristics typically found in fairy tales focusing on setting, character types, plot and elements.
- Choose a fairy tale and analyze it by identifying examples of the common characteristics.
- Put a scary spin on the common characteristics they find and use that to transform the fairy tale into a scary tale! (i.e Their "scary tale" still has to have fairly tale characteristics, but with a Halloween twist!)


1. Six pages of Teacher Directions

2. Warm-Up sheet

3. A detailed list identifying the common characteristics of a fairy tale.


4. Worksheets for students to choose and analyze a fairy tale:


Annotation Template - to help students identify common characteristics.


Synopsis Template - to help students summarize the events of the fairy tale in their own words.
Analysis Worksheet:


- Students explain how the examples they find fit with the common characteristics.

- Students explain how they will put a scary spin on the characteristics they find in the fairy tale.
5. Sheet for students to fully write their scary story.


6. Rubric for scary tale.


7. Answer Key


This creative holiday writing activity tasks students with creating a scary black out poem based on the common characteristics and theme of the fairy tale they analyze!

Students will:

- Learn about common characteristics typically found in fairy tales focusing on setting, character types, plot and elements.
- Choose a fairy tale and analyze it by identifying examples of the common characteristics.
- Use the analysis to help Identify the theme of the fairy tale.
- Create a scary black out poem based on the theme of the fairy tale they analyzed!


1. Four pages of Teacher Directions

2. A detailed list identifying the common characteristics of a fairy tale.


3. Fairy Tale Analysis Worksheet -  Students explain how the examples they find fit with the common characteristics.

4. Students explain how they will put a scary spin on the characteristics they find in the fairy tale.
5. Theme info sheet


- Defines theme topic vs theme statement.
- Theme topic: broad repeated throughout (ex: adventure)
- Theme statement: message/lesson the author reveals through the theme topic (ex: Adventure can sometimes keep you from the people you love the most.)
6. Theme Analysis sheet where students have to:


- Identify theme topics present in the fairy tale.
- Create a theme statement for the fairy tale.

7. Rubric for students to use to help them create a black out poem based on the theme of the fairy tale they analyzed!


8. Answer Key


Students will learn about imagery and the five senses by analyzing the food descriptions from the menus of their favorite restaurant! They will then use this analysis to help them create their own Thanksgiving menu using imagery (descriptive language) to describe their favorite Thanksgiving foods!

Students will:

- Learn how to define imagery and identify the five senses.
- Practice identifying examples of imagery by analyzing the menu from their favorite restaurant!
- Create their own Thanksgiving party menu describing their favorite foods using imagery!

1. Two pages of Teacher Directions

2. Warm-Up

3. Imagery Info Sheet detailing the types of imagery and relation to the five senses!

4. List of 64 attention grabbing words to describe food

5. Worksheet for students to analyze the menu of their favorite restaurant, identifying examples of imagery and the sense(s) being appealed to.

6.  Rubric for students to use to create their own menu using imagery

7. Three Menu Templates


Fun and engaging holiday activity for students showcase what they are thankful for in a creative and imaginative way! Instead of showing their understanding through writing, a one pager gives students the opportunity to express themselves through images, personal statements, quotes, short passages and more!

Students will:

- Identify different things they are thankful for
- Identify examples of conflicts in the novel.
- Explain how the conflict is impacting the relationship between specific characters.


1. Planning Sheet to help students brainstorm things they are thankful for.

2. Seven one pager templates

3. Seven students examples



This fun and engaging activity gives students a chance to uniquely express what and who they are thankful for in their lives via a paper tent!

But what is paper tent?! Have you ever had your students create name tents during the beginning of the school year? Well imagine them doing the same thing except they use the tent to visualize things they appreciate the most in their lives!


Paper Tent

Version 1: Students detail 4 things they are thankful for including a visual representation.

Version 2: Students detail 4 things they are thankful for including visual representation and 2-3 sentence explanation.
Digital Card

Version 3: Instead of creating a paper tent, students create a "digital card" by using the Google Slides version of the resource!




File Type: Zip - PDF & Google Slides
Editable: Partial

Content Pages: 106