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Digital Flipbook for Theme Analysis

Three engaging teaching theme activities to help your students analyze main idea and supporting details and also identifying a theme shared between two different texts! These are great theme analysis activities in the form of a digital Flipbook accessible on Google Classroom™!




1. Teacher Directions for:

- Google Classroom™ (save the sheets to your Google Drive to assign to your students in Google Classroom! Also included are must need steps to follow to ensure resource is downloaded correctly!)

2. Multiple Versions

- Three Flipbook Activities
- Each come with two versions: one in color and one in black and white

 3. Three Answer Keys

- Theme Topic Analysis (Using Of Mice & Men)
- Theme Topic Analysis (Using Of Mice & Men)
- Theme Topic Analysis (Using Of Mice & Men and Kindred)



Each digital Flipbook comes with a tab that breaks down the difference between a theme topic (one-word main idea such as "Adventure") and a theme statement (the message or lesson the author tries to teach the reader about the theme topic).

Theme Topic: Adventure

Theme Statement: Adventure can sometimes keep you from the people you love the most.

Text this can relate to: the Odyssey

#1: Digital Flipbook focusing on a Theme Topic

This flipbook contains a tab for:

- Theme topic vs theme statement.
- Mind map for students to brainstorm theme topics they think are repeated throughout the text
- A chart for students to analyze how setting(s), character(s) and event(s) relate to their chosen theme topic.
- A chart for students to identify evidence from the text and explain how it relates to theme topic they chose.
#2: Digital Flipbook focusing on a Theme Statement

This flipbook contains a tab for:

- Theme topic vs theme statement.
- Mind map for students to:Brainstorm theme topics they think are repeated throughout the text
- Choose a specific theme topic
- Create a theme statement using the theme topic they chose
A chart for students to identify evidence from the text and explain how it relates to the theme statement they identified.
#3: Digital Flipbook focusing on a Theme Shared Between Two Different Texts

This flipbook contains a tab for:

- Theme topic vs theme statement.
- Mind map for students to brainstorm theme topics they think are repeated throughout the text
- A chart for students to identify character's from the text and how they relate to the theme statement.
- A chart for students to identify specific events from the text and explain how they relate to the theme statement.



File Type: PDF & Google Slides
Editable: No

Total Pages: 38
Content Pages: 32